Google Workspace

Everything you need to get work done at any time, from any location and with any device.

Data Privacy: Take Control of Your Data Today 

Who Are You Letting Into Your Google Drive?

Two sharing settings in Google Drive give you control over who can access the content and data you put in Docs and Sheets. One is General access, which sets the level of access to the document. The other is People with access, which sets the permissions a person has within the document. You’ll see both when you click the Share button across the Google Workspace.

General Sharing Settings


You own the files and folders you create or upload to Google Drive. These always start as private—no one else has access until you share it with them. Using this setting is the most secure way to share files and folders.

Executive Branch Option

Use this setting to make content available to anyone logged in to their state Google account within an executive branch agency.


Only choose the Anyone with the link setting when you want to allow anyone—including the public— to access your data.

People Sharing Permissions

There are several people sharing options, and each has a different level of permissions within the document. 

People Sharing Permissions

There are several people sharing options, and each has a different level of permissions within the document. 

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