Information Security Training
for State Employees

Colorado Information Security Policy (CISP) Overview Training

State agency employees have access to a wide range of data including sensitive and personal data that is protected by state and federal law. The failure to protect this data has serious consequences to both our organization and you as an individual, and that is why OIT has created and provided to state agencies a custom training course regarding data protection and the Colorado Information Security Policies to ensure state executive branch employees with IT-related roles are aware of data and system protection responsibilities based on policy expectations. This training pertains only to employees of the consolidated agencies.

Watch the Colorado Information Security Policies CISP Overview Training. (under 30 minutes)

State employees who view the CISP Overview Training video through this TechU page should complete the CISP Overview Training completion confirmation Google form to create a record of their training completion that OIT will maintain.

Cybersecurity Awareness Training

Employees at state agencies other than CDHS, CDPHE and CDPS should use the SOC Learns training portal to complete the required annual state cybersecurity awareness training. Employees who work for CDHS, CDPHE and CDPS should complete the required annual state cybersecurity awareness training through their respective agency training portal. SOC Learns training portal user guides and FAQs are available.