Facts and Figures
Making the case for privacy
The Cold, Hard Truth
94% of businesses say their customers won’t buy from them if their data is not protected.
91% of organizations say they need to be doing more to reassure customers about how their data is being used with AI.
38% of U.S. consumers use social media less often because of data privacy concerns.
7% of consumers are not confident that their personal data, such as social security numbers, health history and financial information, is private and not distributed without their knowledge.
70% of companies increased their collection of personal consumer data over the past year.
46% of data breaches in 2024 involved Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
An estimated 75% of the global population will be covered under modern privacy regulations by the end of 2024.
38% of respondents admitted to sharing sensitive information with AI without their employer’s knowledge.
52% of employees reported not receiving training on AI.
65% of people expressed concern about AI-related cybercrime.
67% of Americans have little to no understanding of what companies do with the data collected about them.77% of Americans have little to no understanding of what the government does with the data collected about them.